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UPDATE: You guys have raised over $1,070 for us to buy bibles for the city of Chinyhoyi! Thank you for your support and helping us far exceed the $330 goal of what we asked or even imagined. 


It’s our last month in Africa and our team (Powerful Piñatas) has been in Zimbabwe for about a week now. We are tucked away in a peaceful town called Chinhoyi working with an organization called Youth For Christ. 


The Lord is doing a work in the people of this city and we’re asking if you’d be a part of it. Every single day of ministry here we’ve come to see people accept Christ into their hearts. They smile ear to ear, lighting up with hope and peace. 


We’ve realized that it’s hard to be a new Christian and not have a Bible. “So what now?” comes up and they want more. 


They want to know how to learn more about Jesus. 


They want to know what does it mean to live a life for Christ. 


What better way for God to speak directly to His people than through the Word? 


How do we grow in our relationship with God or know His character without reading His living word? Most people that we’ve come across, believers and non-believers alike, have never owned a Bible. 


This is where YOUR help comes in. After much prayer, God told our team to purchase 57 Bibles to hand out for the rest of our time in Chinhoyi. Each bible here is about $6 USD. We are trying to raise $330 from family, friends and strangers alike to purchase Bibles to give away. Already we have given out a few Bibles, including to our dear friend Esther who comes to tidy the house daily. She looks up a new verse in her Bible each day and it’s been more than one occasion that we’ve found her head in the Word during her spare time. 


Reading the Bible truly is the foundation for staying connected to God and knowing who He is. This may be the only Bible that they have for the rest of their lives. The Bible they hand down to their children. A bible can transform multi-generational families. After all, the Bible was written as a concrete way for us to pass down his love letters that remind us of His faithfulness and goodness. 


We encourage you to take this moment to pray and ask the Lord if He wants you to be a part of this. Any amount helps. To donate, visit our PayPal account at [email protected] or our Venmo account at @calebcallaway11. Any money raised over the asked amount will go toward more Bibles and toward medication that our elder friends and the old folks home are struggling to afford. 


Thank you for your prayers. Thank your for your encouragement and support to each one of us on this journey. Let’s see the Kingdom come in huge ways here in Chinhoyi, Zimbabwe!


With Love, 

The Piñatas!


Here are some pictures of people we’ve already given bibles too!





One response to “Urgent! Help Needed!”

  1. It would be interesting to know just how the Lord spoke on the Bibles! 🙁 Obviously it would be something that He would want one way or another!! Blessings, Mark