
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I am a Daddy’s Girl through and through. I always have. I’ve been abundantly blessed by our relationship over the years. This is just as much his “race” with his relationship with the Lord as it is mine while I am gone.  

I asked my dad if he would write a blog about his experience with my decision to leave home for a year to do ministry around the world. With the holiday seasons and family gatherings approaching, I thought I’d share the perspective of a World Race father. 

Here’s what my dad has to say about me on the World Race: 


When Erica was on her second mission trip in Colombia, she was creating videos to enhance a website for a ministry. The organization kept kids off the streets through soccer and inspiring faith in their lives. She interviewed a group of young adults about her age that were on the World Race.


She was all excited and Faced Timed me asking if I had ever heard of the organization before. I knew she was really enjoying her travels, ministry, different cultures and was looking to bring it to the next level.

My heart sunk, I thought -Oh Shit!


Because I was aware of the World Race, from years ago, I knew instantly that this was exactly what she was looking for and I would not be able to convince her otherwise.


I knew, selfishly, that this would be a huge cost, 11 months away to third world countries… worried if it was safe from physical dangers, health risks, mental anguish. Not much different than what was going through the minds of other parents. Although I was all in for her expanding her horizons, can’t you pick something easier, safer, shorter and less expensive!


But the support was amazing, donations from everywhere- including people that did not even know her. Just one of God’s many ways of connecting the dots.

Fast forward to now, when we talk on FaceTime -when I read her blogs and the blogs of others- I see just how much they all are growing and expanding their relationship with God on this journey.


I am inspired to see that she and others are seeking Him throughout the day, finding His inspiration and guidance in their everyday life challenges. They are living their faith in their lives, with their teams and giving it to strangers, and seeing it in the nature around them. I see her blossom from the inside out as I travel through this journey with her.


Although she is half way around the world, she still seems close.


Sometimes we have to just let go, aim high and trust that God will show you His plan in life.


She has inspired me to do the same. What better gift can a father receive?


I have much to be thankful for, not only for her on this Thanksgiving weekend, but for every day and every year for the rest of my life!

I am so proud of you Erica.

Luv D




3 responses to “My Dad’s reaction to my Race”

  1. So sweet and honest!! I have no doubt that if my daughter had chosen to do this race, I would be struggling a bit!
    Thank you, Ric for trusting the Lord and holding on loosely to Erica!! I know she has been a blessing to her squad and team!!!

  2. Dad said it best you are an inspiration! You and your team made believers out of the doubters like myself that although the climb is high (raising funds, traveling far, being away from the luxuries of home) and not easy , if you truly have a passion and believe in a Gods vision it can happen. You are daddy’s girl but mammas greatest blessing!! Love you.

  3. Good job dad! Your daughter is an inspiration (although I think that word falls short of describing her and how she influence others including me)!
    Thanks for giving her the foundation that made her a exceptional leader, excellent servant, and really good friend to her team and others. She is truly amazing!